Zend Memory Manager

Zend Memory Manager, often abbreviated as ZendMM or ZMM, is a C layer that aims to provide abilities to allocate and release dynamic request-bound memory.

Note the “request-bound” in the above sentence.

ZendMM is not just a classical layer over libc’s dynamic memory allocator, mainly represented by the couple API calls malloc()/free(). ZendMM is about request-bound memory that PHP must allocate while treating a request.

The two main kind of dynamic memory pools in PHP

PHP is a share-nothing architecture. Well, not at 100%. Let us explain.


You may need to read the PHP lifecycle chapter before continuing here, you’ll get additional information about the different steps and cycles that can be drawn from PHP lifetime.

PHP can treat several hundreds or thousands of requests into the same process. By default, PHP will forget anything it knows of the current request, when that later finishes.

“Forgetting” things translates to freeing any dynamic buffer that got allocated while treating a request. That means that when in the process of treating a request, one must not allocate dynamic memory using traditional libc calls. Doing that is perfectly valid, but you give a chance to forget to free such a buffer.

ZendMM comes with an API that substitute to libc’s dynamic allocator, by copying its API. When in the process of treating a request, the programmer must use that API instead of libc’s allocator.

For example, when PHP treats a request, it will parse PHP files. Those ones will lead to functions and classes declarations, for example. When the compiler comes to compile the PHP files, it will allocate some dynamic memory to store classes and functions it discovers. But, at the end of the request, PHP will forget about those latter. By default, PHP forgets a very huge number of information from one request to another.

There exists however some pretty rare information you need to persist across several requests. But that’s uncommon.

What could be kept unchanged through requests ? What we call persistent objects. Once more let us insist : those are rare cases. For example, the current PHP executable path won’t change from requests to requests. That latter information is allocated permanently, that means it is allocated with a traditional libc’s malloc() call.

What else? Some strings. For example, the “_SERVER” string will be reused from request to request, as every request will create the $_SERVER PHP array. So the “_SERVER” string itself can be permanently allocated, because it will be allocated once.

What you must remember:

  • There exists two kinds of dynamic memory allocations while programming PHP Core or extensions:
    • Request-bound dynamic allocations.

    • Permanent dynamic allocations.

  • Request-bound dynamic memory allocations
    • Must only be performed when PHP is treating a request (not before, nor after).

    • Should only be performed using the ZendMM dynamic memory allocation API.

    • Are very common in extensions design, basically 95% of your dynamic allocations will be request-bound.

    • Are tracked by ZendMM, and you’ll be informed about leaking.

  • Permanent dynamic memory allocations
    • Should not be performed while PHP is treating a request (not forbidden, but a bad idea).

    • Are not tracked by ZendMM, and you won’t be informed about leaking.

    • Should be pretty rare in an extension.

Also, keep in mind that all PHP source code has been based on such a memory level. Thus, many internal structures get allocated using the Zend Memory Manager. Most of them got a “persistent” API call, which when used, lead to traditional libc allocation.

Here is a request-bound allocated zend_string:

zend_string *foo = zend_string_init("foo", strlen("foo"), 0);

And here is the persistent allocated one:

zend_string *foo = zend_string_init("foo", strlen("foo"), 1);

Same for HashTable. Request-bound allocated one:

zend_array ar;
zend_hash_init(&ar, 8, NULL, NULL, 0);

Persistent allocated one:

zend_array ar;
zend_hash_init(&ar, 8, NULL, NULL, 1);

It is always the same in all the different Zend APIs. Usually, it is whether a “0” to pass as last parameter to mean “I want this structure to be allocated using ZendMM, so request-bound”, or “1” meaning “I want this structure to get allocated bypassing ZendMM and using a traditional libc’s malloc() call”.

Obviously, those structures provide an API that remembers how it did allocate the structure, to use the right deallocation function when destroyed. Hence in such a code:


The API knows whether those structures were allocated using request-bound allocation, or permanent one, and in the first case will use efree() to release it, and in the second case libc’s free().

Zend Memory Manager API

The API is located into Zend/zend_alloc.h

The API calls are mainly C macros and not functions, so get prepared if you debug them and want to look at how they work. Those calls copy libc’s calls, they usually add an “e” in the function name; So you should not be lost, and there is not many things to detail about the API.

Basically what you’ll use most are emalloc(size_t) and efree(void *).

You are also provided with ecalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) that allocates nmemb of individual size size, and zeroes the area. If you are a strong C programmer with experience, you should know that whenever possible, it is better to use ecalloc() over emalloc() as ecalloc() will zero out the memory area which could help a lot in pointer bug detection. Remember that emalloc() works basically like the libc malloc(): it will look for a big enough area in different pools, and return you the best fit. So you may be given a recycled pointer which points to garbage.

Then comes safe_emalloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size, size_t offset), which is an emalloc(size * nmemb + offset) but that does check against overflows for you. You should use this API call if the numbers you must provide come from an untrusted source, like the userland.

About string facilities, estrdup(char *) and estrndup(char *, size_t len) allow to duplicate strings or binary strings.

Whatever happens, pointers returned by ZendMM must be freed using ZendMM, aka efree() call and not libc’s free().


A note on persistent allocations. Persistent allocations stay alive between requests. You traditionnaly use the common libc malloc/free to perform that, but ZendMM has got some shortcuts to libc allocator : the “persistent” API. This API starts by the “p” letter and let you choose between ZendMM alloc, or persistent alloc. Hence a pemalloc(size_t, 1) is nothing more than a malloc(), a pefree(void *, 1) is a free() and a pestrdup(void *, 1) is a strdup(). Just to say.

Zend Memory Manager debugging shields

ZendMM provides the following abilities:

  • Memory consumption management.

  • Memory leak tracking and automatic-free.

  • Speed up in allocations by pre-allocating well-known-sized buffers and keeping a warm cache on free

Memory consumption management

ZendMM is the layer behind the PHP userland “memory_limit” feature. Every single byte allocated using the ZendMM layer is counted and added. When the INI’s memory_limit is reached, you know what happens. That also mean that any allocation you perform via ZendMM is reflected in the memory_get_usage() call from PHP userland.

As an extension developer, this is a good thing, because it helps mastering the PHP process’ heap size.

If a memory limit error is launched, the engine will bail out from the current code position to a catch block, and will terminate smoothly. But there is no chance it goes back to the location in your code where the limit blew up. You must be prepared to that.

That means that in theory, ZendMM cannot return a NULL pointer to you. If the allocation fails from the OS, or if the allocation generates a memory limit error, the code will run into a catch block and won’t return to you allocation call.

If for any reason you need to bypass that protection, you must then use a traditional libc call, like malloc(). Take care however and know what you do. It may happen that you need to allocate lots of memory and could blow up the PHP memory_limit if using ZendMM. Thus use another allocator (like libc) but take care: your extension will grow the current process heap size. That cannot be seen using memory_get_usage() in PHP, but by analyzing the current heap with the OS facilities (like /proc/{pid}/maps)


If you need to fully disable ZendMM, you can launch PHP with the USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 env var. This way, every call to the ZendMM API (like emalloc()) will be directed to a libc call, and ZendMM will be disabled. This is especially useful when debugging memory.

Memory leak tracking

Remember the main ZendMM rules: it starts when a request starts, it then expects you call its API when in need of dynamic memory as you are treating a request. When the current request ends, ZendMM shuts down.

By shutting down, it will browse every of its active pointer, and if using a debug build of PHP, it will warn you about memory leaking.

Let’s be clear here: if at the end of the current request ZendMM finds some active memory blocks, that means those are leaking. There should not be any active memory block living onto ZendMM heap at the end of the request, as anyone who allocated some should have freed them.

If you forget to free blocks, they will all get displayed on stderr. This process of memory leak reporting only works in the following conditions:

  • You are using a debug build of PHP

  • You have report_memleaks=On in php.ini (default)

Here is an example of a simple leak into an extension:

    void *foo = emalloc(128);

When launching PHP with that extension activated, on a debug build, that generates on stderr:

[Fri Jun 9 16:04:59 2017]  Script:  '/tmp/foobar.php'
/path/to/extension/file.c(123) : Freeing 0x00007fffeee65000 (128 bytes), script=/tmp/foobar.php
=== Total 1 memory leaks detected ===

Those lines are generated when the Zend Memory Manager shuts down, that is at the end of each treated request.

Beware however:

  • Obviously ZendMM doesn’t know anything about persistent allocations, or allocations that were performed in another way than using it. Hence, ZendMM can only warn you about allocations it is aware of, every traditional libc allocation won’t be reported in here, f.e.

  • If PHP shuts down in an incorrect maner (what we call an unclean shutdown), ZendMM will report tons of leaks. This is because when incorrectly shutdown, the engine uses a longjmp() call to a catch block, preventing every code that cleans memory to fire-in. Thus, many leaks get reported. This happens especially after a call to PHP’s exit()/die(), or if a fatal error gets triggered in some critical parts of PHP.

  • If you use a non-debug build of PHP, nothing shows on stderr, ZendMM is dumb but will still clean any allocated request-bound buffer that’s not been explicitly freed by the programmer

What you must remember is that ZendMM leak tracking is a nice bonus tool to have, but it does not replace a true C memory debugger.


PHP will call the start_memory_manager() function during its startup phase, specifically when the PHP process is started (for instance, when the PHP-FPM service is started, or when a PHP CLI script is run). This will allocate the heap and the first chunk.

During a request the ZendMM will allocate chunks as needed.

On every request shutdown (during the RSHUTDOWN phase), the Zend Engine will call the shutdown_memory_manager() function (which calls the zend_mm_shutdown() function) with the boolean argument full set to false. This will cleanup for the next request, but not do a full shutdown of the memory manager. For example it will not free the heap and keep the average amount of chunks used during the current request alive in the cached_chunks pointer on the heap to be reused in the next request.

In the module shutdown phase (MSHUTDOWN) the Zend Engine will call the shutdown_memory_manager() function (which calls the zend_mm_shutdown() function) with the boolean argument full set to true, which will trigger a full shutdown and free all cached chunks as well as the heap itself.

ZendMM internal design

The root of the ZendMM is the _zend_mm_heap struct (as defined in Zend/zend_alloc.c) which will be created for every request during request init and stored in the alloc_globals->mm_heap. This heap also comes with the first chunk that is allocated with it. Chunks are then subdivided into pages. Smaller allocations are stored in bins which may fit into one page but some also span multiple pages.

Internal memory organisation


The heap, as defined in the struct _zend_mm_heap, holds links to chunks (main_chunk and cached_chunks, for small and large allocations), huge_list for huge allocations (>= 2MB) and to bins (for small allocations) in free_slots[BIN]. After initialisation only the main_chunk exists and none or some cached_chunks.


Each chunk is 2 MB in size and consists of 512 pages. The first page of every chunk is reserved for the chunk header as defined in the struct _zend_mm_chunk (as defined in Zend/zend_alloc.c). Chunks are organised in a linked list with prev and next pointers.

Each chunk holds a bit mask in free_map (512 bits) where a single bit indicates if a page is in use or free. Information on what is in a page is stored in map which is an array of 512 32 bit integers. Each of those integers is used as a bitmap and holds the meta information about that page.


A page is 4096 bytes in size and can either hold a bin (for small allocations) or be part of a large allocation. What is in it can be found in the map of the chunk the page belongs to.


Small allocations are grouped together in bins. Bin sizes are predefined and come in 30 different sizes (8, 16, 24, 32, … 3072 bytes). A bin holds same sized values and is linked from the heap directly.

A bin can consist of multiple pages. Example: There exists a bin that holds elements ranging from 257 bytes to 320 bytes which occupies 5 pages, and therefore has room for 64 (derived from 4096*5/320) elements of that size.

Allocation categories

Small allocations

Allocations less or equal than 3072 bytes are organised in bins.

If a bin is already initialised, the free_slot pointer on the zend_mm_heap struct is the address to be used (this address will be returned by the call to emalloc() and will be incremented to point to the next free slot, see implementation in zend_mm_alloc_small).

If the bin for this specific size is not initialised already, it will be created in the zend_mm_alloc_small_slow function and a pointer to the first element of the bin is returned.

Large allocations

Allocations bigger than 3072 bytes, but small enough to fit in a chunk (2 MB chunk size - 4096 bytes chunk header (first page) makes 2093056 bytes) are directly stored in the pages. The first page will be marked LRUN in the map of the chunk and also hold the number of allocated pages.

Huge allocations

If an allocation is larger than the chunk size minus one page (2 MB chunk size - 4096 bytes chunk header (first page) makes 2093056 bytes) the memory is allocated using mmap() and put on the huge_list linked list on the heap.

Hooking into the ZendMM

You can call the zend_mm_set_custom_handlers() function and give it pointers to your malloc, free and realloc handlers as well as your custom heap or the current heap that you may fetch via zend_mm_get_heap().

void* my_malloc(size_t len) {
    return malloc(len);

void my_free(void* ptr) {

void* my_realloc(void* ptr, size_t len) {
    return realloc(ptr, len);

PHP_MINIT_FUNCTION(my_extension) {
    return SUCCESS;

You may also bring your own heap and inject it via zend_mm_set_heap() which returns a pointer to the current (or old) heap. Beware that on a heap with custom handlers, ZendMM’s behaviour will be different:

  • ZendMM will not run cleanup during zend_mm_shutdown() (which is called during PHP request shutdown phase), leaving you with a memory leak if your custom handlers just forward calls to the ZendMM internal functions.

  • ZendMM’s garbage collector implemented in zend_mm_gc() will not be doing anything. This also means it will not try to free chunks in case you reach the memory limit during an allocation in one of the ZendMM internal functions.

  • The only way to detect that a full shutdown is in progress in your heap with custom handlers is that your free function will be called with the address of your heap.

  • There is no chance of knowing when zend_mm_shutdown() will perform a request shutdown.

Common errors and mistakes

Here are the most common errors while using ZendMM, and what you should do about them.

  1. Usage of ZendMM as you are not treating a request.

Get infos about the PHP lifecycle to know in your extensions when you are treating a request, and when not. If you use ZendMM out of the scope of a request (like in MINIT()), the allocation will be silently cleared by ZendMM before treating the first request, and you’ll probably use-after-free : simply don’t.

  1. Buffer overflow and underflows.

Use a memory debugger. If you write below or past a memory area returned by ZendMM, you will overwrite crucial ZendMM structures and trigger a crash. It may happen that the “zend_mm_heap corrupted” message gets display in case ZendMM was able to detect the mess for you. The stack trace will show a crash from some code, to some ZendMM code. ZendMM code does not crash itself. If you get crashed in the middle of ZendMM code, that highly probably means you messed up with a pointer somewhere. Kick in your favorite memory debugger and look for the guilty part and fix it.

  1. Mix API calls

If you allocate a ZendMM pointer (emalloc() f.e) and free it using libc (free()), or the opposite scenario: you will crash. Be rigorous. Also if you pass to ZendMM’s efree() any pointer it doesn’t know about: you will crash.